Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Sidral Mundet

SIDRAL MUNDET... WTF is Sidral Mundet? Wikipedia defines it as such: Sidral Mundet is a Mexican apple-flavored carbonated soft drink produced by FEMSA S.A de C.V and distributed in the United States by the Novamex company, which also distributes the Jarritos and Sangria Señorial soda brands.

I'm going cut all the bullshit and say this: SIDRAL tastes like carbonated apple drink. Not apple juice, but apple drink. BIG DIFFERENCE. Does it taste good? Hell yeah, it tastes good. So good, I'm going to get me one on the next tour.

Shout out to the homie who introduced me to it... That's some tasty shit... A "Treat" to the say the least. LOL!