Tuesday, August 18, 2009

La Hamburguesa Loca

Photos courtesy of TBA

LA HAMBURGUESA LOCA: (Located @ 7th & Alvarado)

La Hamburguesa Loca... The Crazy Hamburger, huh? Well, don't let the name fool ya. This mobile hamburger hut makes a pretty mean Al Pastor taco. Perfectly charred and caramelized, the meat was on point - juicy and full of flavor. With each occasional bite, small chunks of pineapple would reveal themselves creating the salty/sweet combination many of us foodies enjoy. Garnished with the usual fixings of onion and cilantro, these tacos have the option of being blanketed with hot sauce or not. At this particular location, we opted to have it on the side, with the exception of one taco which my friend ate (See picture above). To paraphrase his reaction to the sauce, "It's kind of like an Indian chutney." Nevertheless, we both agreed the Crazy Hamburger or "LA HAMBURGUESA LOCA" was a "TREAT!" Keep up the good work, guys. We'll be back to do a follow up.

STREET TREATZ gives "La Hamburguesa Loca" a crazy 4 out of 5 stars easy (****)


  1. Hey, nice writing. I am a foodie too. I am trying to lose some of my girth, but certainly enjoy cooking and limited eating of what I create. Thanks for your blog. I am enjoying it!

  2. Hey, Junebug. Thank you for the compliments. Your feedback is important to us.
